For the past few years, I’ve made a “theme” to provide a guiding focus for my thoughts, decisions, and overall presence. There isn’t much rhyme or reason to the decision making process. I just go with whatever feels right at the time. So far, there has been a clear winner and concept as one year ends, and the next begins.
It started in 2015. That year I learned and adopted one of my favorite concepts of all time: There are only two times to give advice - when you are asked to give it, and when you ask permission to give it. As someone who loves to speak my mind, I realized how often I would offer unsolicited advice to friends, strangers, and just about anyone. Harmless for the most part, but in general, I didn’t like the idea of being the guy who always is critiquing. The statement resonated deeply with me, and I decided to aim to be more thoughtful in all aspects of my life.
So, I dubbed 2016 the year of Mindfulness.
I’d like to think I was more Mindful that year than before. A lot happened, that’s for sure. I got rejected from a PhD at UCLA. I switched from UniCamp to Fat Sal’s. I left Fat Sal’s. Norma left her job of 2 years. Norma and I made the decision and committed to explore South America for several months. Overall, a big year!
Getting ready to spend the first part of the year in South America, I was confident there would be many important decisions to make in 2017. How should we travel? Where should we go? What job should we take when we come back? How far in advance do we want to plan? Ultimately, I wanted to be sure that I had tremendous awareness of the life I was leading throughout the year.
The focus of 2017 was Write Your Own Narrative.
In 2017 Norma and I spent 90 days in South America visiting nearly 50 cities. After negotiating with our landlord, we accepted a hefty payment to move out early. We landed in LA on the 28th, packed our things into a U-Haul, and moved to Sausalito to live in a little house boat. We helped manage a chocolate shop. We developed new habits. We started new jobs in new industries. We got engaged! It was a year of many novelties, and lots of new chapters in the story. It really felt like we wrote them into existence.
As 2017 was coming to an end, I had just gotten my first real gig in the industry doing marketing for the Harvest shops, and was totally hooked. I knew that time was of the essence. I wanted to both learn and understand as much as I could, while also meeting the people under the hood keeping everything running. There needed to be focus.
2018 was about Intentionality and Alignment.
I have strong beliefs. I like to stand for what I believe. I like to have my mind changed. In general, I prefer conviction to ambiguity. I wanted to make sure that I was spending my time in a manner that was in line with my core beliefs. Good people. Social good. Emotional Good. Integrity. Support. Community. You know. The good stuff.
However, I felt that spending my time well was only one piece of the puzzle. I needed to also be able to recognize when something was worth diving into. Which rabbit holes are worth exploring? What are the high percentage shots? When my actions lead to something great, I wanted to be able to recognize the alignment and act accordingly. I know this mindset benefitted many aspects of my life, from getting married at UniCamp to finding the right apartment. However, it was most applied to my networking and developments professionally.
Focusing on intentionality and alignment is what led me to organize Blunt Talks: SF. That effort introduced me to the awesome team at Meadow and opened a door for me to help with Meadowlands. The summation of these efforts (and a unique UCLA connection) landed me in my current role at Kin Slips. I’ve been here about 3 months, and couldn’t be happier.
As we enter the new year, I feel more than ever as if my ducks are in order. I have an awesome partner. I have an awesome apartment. I have an awesome job. I have an awesome community. I am abundantly fortunate and grateful.
A lot of ideas, habits, and wants have been tabled over the past couple of years due to all the turbulence. Travel, moving, switching jobs, and a wedding didn’t leave much space for new projects. This year I want less conceptualizing and more doing. I’m confident that my moral compass is set in a good direction, the people in my life are some of the best in the world, and I am in a great position to score.
Although the theme will permeate into work, relationships, and other aspects of life, this year I have two main goals that I have been pushing off for too long:
Starting a podcast, and 2. Running a marathon.
What have you been pushing off? What goals can you get done sooner than later with a little bit of commitment? Are they realistic? If so, what’s the point of waiting? Do it this year! Start this weekend! Why not?
It’s 2019... Send It!